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What’s up with WhatsApp and why shouldn’t WeChat?

Instant messaging services like WhatsApp and WeChat are go-to choices for professionals around the world to connect with their peers and share business-specific information. Whether corporations officially restrict usage or not, individuals find that sharing day-to-day updates over these platforms is more convenient than lengthy emails, and so continue to use them.

Commodity Trading – 2020 and beyond

2020 was not a great start for the world of commodities with a trade war brewing, financial uncertainty and demand destruction. Coordination and stability of domestic and international trade has been challenging, making people in the industry rethink how they maintain their existing relationships and develop new ones. We see a huge acceleration in the jump to digital as offices empty, shops close and schools empty. No one knows how temporary or permanent these changes will be, but people are conscious they need to be prepared for the next pandemic.